Batch FAQ

This topic includes some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about batches. As new FAQs become available they will be added to this page.

Q. How can I close a batch with proforma invoices?

A. Batches with proforma invoices will not close. You will need to move any proforma invoices into a different open batch.

Q: Why can't I close an empty batch?

A: The reason why you are not able to close this batch is because the batch amount and total count are zero. You cannot close an empty batch.

Q: Why do I get a constraint error when I try to delete an empty batch?

A: The error you are getting when trying to close this batch, is because this batch may contain voided transactions. This database constraint will not let you hard-delete the batch. Best solution when you have an issue such as this is to recycle the batch by changing the name of the batch (and period if necessary) and use it as a new batch.

Q: How do I remove an empty batch that I no longer need?

A: When you have a batch without any transactions in it and you no longer need it, the best solution is to recycle the batch. For example, if you have a batch named 2009-01-01 that does not have any transactions in it. Instead of trying to delete the batch, we suggest that you simply rename the batch so that it can be used in the future (ex. 2009-02-01).

Q: What does the error message 'Payment Uses a Credit from an Unclosed Batch' mean?

A: This usually means that the invoice was paid with a credit but the system will not let you close the batch without first closing the batch where the credit originally came from.


  1. Run the exception.
  2. Go to the exception invoice to find out the customer tied to the invoice.
  3. Find the individual tied to the invoice.
  4. Find the credit tied to that individual .
  5. Find the batch tied to the credit.
  6. Close the credit batch.
  7. Close original batch.

Q: We try to close a batch but nothing happens. No exceptions, no errors.

A: An error is actually occurring with the batch when you try to close. To view the error message, click on preference and set "enable Ajax" to no. Usually the error involves a membership or deferral that goes to a period that has not yet been created. Create the needed fiscal year and period and you will be able to close the batch.